software solutions

An all-in-one data platform

for ESG management.

“Requian adopts an Agile approach to ESG data collection and reporting.

By using Requian, you can develop incrementally and deliver continuously.”

Trusted by market leaders.


Resource players.

Whether you’re an Explorer, Developer or Operator, Requian can help your organization to :

  • manage your ESG performance

  • improve your ESG ratings & rankings

  • prepare for audits & assessments

  • implement ESG best practice

  • build an internal ESG culture

  • protect value and reputation


Capital raisers.

ESG is now a paramount consideration for investors. Requian can assist when raising capital by :

  • demonstrating a project’s ESG credentials

  • providing data for pitches & presentations

  • facilitating information disclosure

  • elevating ESG standing with stakeholders

  • avoiding market skepticism & concerns

  • reducing the total cost of capital


Capital markets.

The majority of ESG funds outperform the wider market. Requian can support capital investors to :

  • streamline the collection of ESG data

  • rapidly assess organizations & projects

  • check & verify portfolio participants

  • identify risks during due diligence

  • capitalize on developing opportunities

  • keep up-to-date with ESG standards